Archive for October, 2004
Leopoldo Metlicovitz

Leopoldo Metlicovitz
(Trieste 1868 – Ponte Lambro/Como 1944)
Pittore, cartellonista, illustratore e scenografo teatrale di origine oriundo-dalmata (il cognome originario della famiglia era Metlicovich), inizia a lavorare giovanissimo; a quattordici anni riesce a mantenersi fuori di casa viaggiando per l’Italia probabilmente grazie all’attività commerciale del padre Leopoldo, che possiede una ditta di minuteria meccanica fine a Trieste.
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patti page in the land of hi-fi

She wasn’t called “The Singing Rage†for nothing. And 57 years after the “raging†began in Tulsa, Oklahoma, on a little known radio show on which she was the featured singer, Patti Page remains an icon, a beloved singer who changed the face of pop music and the way it was recorded. Her accomplishments in music and television remain unparalleled even today.
Cirque d’ hiver

Le Cirque d’Hiver a traversé les époques sans perdre de sa gloire. En sillonnant les routes du monde entier, il a transmis la joie et l’émotion dans les coeurs des petits et des grands. Des centaines d’artistes sont passés sous ses chapiteaux. On se souvient de Léotard, qui y inventa l’art du trapèze, mais aussi de Muriel Hermine dans son ballet aquatique. C’est en 1934 que les Frères Bouglione reprennent le Cirque d’Hiver. C’est le début d’une passion dont la flamme fut transmise à la nouvelle génération. Ils ont réussi à donner un souffle nouveau au cirque. Pour permettre à tous de revivre cette épopée, les archives du Cirque d’Hiver vous livrent leurs plus beaux souvenirs, qui firent que, dans toutes les langues, le nom Bouglione représente le cirque.
buffalo springfield

During its brief and stormy lifetime, Buffalo Springfield broke ground for what became country rock. In March of 1967, Buffalo Springfield went Top Ten with “For What It’s Worth,” written after the Sunset Strip riots. The group then began to disintegrate, recording its second album on the run. Recording in Los Angeles allowed them to work with some of the best available musicians from the area, such as Jim Messina. Neil Young was ambivalent to the group’s fame and eventually left the group to record on his own. Stephen Stills also left to form Crosby, Stills, and Nash, with David Crosby from the Byrds and Graham Nash from the Hollies.
Ascenseur pour l’echafaud

Julien Tavernier kills his lover’s husband but is trapped in the lift to his offices. Meanwhile, his car is stolen by a young man who signs into a hotel, with his girlfriend, under Julien’s name. During the stay at the hotel, the young man shoots a German couple with a gun he found earlier in Tavernier’s car, and goes on the run. When Tavernier finally manages to escape from the lift in which he was forced to spend the weekend, he is arrested by the police and charged with the murder of the German couple. His lover, Florence, manages to track down the real murders and obtains the evidence needed to clear Julien. But in so doing, she unwittingly incriminates him in the murder of her husband.